Santa Monica Naturopathic Doctor | Amanda Frick, ND

B12 Injections

What is vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is a very important nutrient in the human body. Many metabolic processes require it to run properly. If there is not enough of this vitamin available than something will be lost or not produced – most commonly energy.

This essential B vitamin is available in many of the foods we eat such as milk, eggs, meat, and fish. If you are experiencing problems with your stomach and digestive system it becomes harder for your body to obtain it from foods. So even if you eat these foods you may not have adequate absorption.

Digestive conditions that can lead to deficiency include:

People who are low in B12 usually experience one or more of the following symptoms.

Very often people will report an improvement in mental alertness and overall energy after a vitamin B12 supplementation.

Not only is B12 great for energy production, but it also helps reduce the cardiovascular disease risk factor homocysteine.

The best way to quickly increase your vitamin B12 level is by injection. A B12 shot is fairly painless and many people are surprised at how easy and quickly it is administered.

It is important to point out that while this can definitely improve your energy and alertness, if you are low in B12 you are low in other nutrients as well. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, the best way to discover and treat the cause is by scheduling a full consultation with us, and we can devise an overall treatment strategy to address your total picture.